Prospective Families
About the Highly Gifted Magnet
Located in North Hollywood, California, the HGM serves highly gifted students, who often do not reach their full potential in normal / gifted / high ability schools.
Our tight-knit community of amazing teachers and students inspire and support each other. At the same time, being part of a larger public high school also offers diversity and a wide variety of extracurricular options, sports, and social opportunities.
Tours & Informational Sessions
During Magnet applications season in the Fall, we offer daytime classroom tours and an evening Open House for prospective parents and students to visit our school.
Eligibility & Admissions
Students designated “Highly Gifted” (HG) or “Highly Gifted Applicable” (HGA) may apply.
View HGM core and elective classes, including 25 AP-level courses.
Awards & Distinctions
What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.
Faculty & Administration
Modernization Project
House System